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Canberra Region Self Psychology Community (CRSPC) 2022 – 3rd Quarter Newsletter

by Karen Stewart

The end of June saw the 5th and final workshop for a small group of clinicians interested in learning about Clinical Writing, facilitated by Suzi Naiburg. What a treat to be able to link up across the world and share our attempts and enthusiasm, hopes and trials about writing about clinical cases and theory. It was intense! Coming up with a cohesive narrative with relevant clinical lessons in a structure that suits the case, the writing and the learning is not a simple task. We were all glad to have been put through the exercise though.

In May 2022, the Affect Study group completed their 9 month journey through Ron Lee’s unpublished text accompanied by key affect theory publications from within the larger Self Psychology, intersubjectivity, developmental and relational literature. This group plan to continue on into the second half of the year, to build on the work and learning so far and continue its in-depth reading of Self Psychological literature with study of Ron Lee’s unpublished texts on Forms of Narcissism. Again this text will be accompanied by classic and current writings on narcissism drawn from the Self Psychology literature.

Workshop 2 in a series of 4 Somatic Self Psychology workshops was held in early April. Olivia Wilson and Sandra Lauffenburger, both experienced Somatic Psychotherapists and Self Psychologists, are the course facilitators and designers. The second workshop saw a group of psychotherapists and body workers immerse themselves in what a Self-Object Experience is – and how it is to feel and to be the other participating in a mirroring, idealising, twinship experience – to actually do embodied, somatic SP Postulates. The second phase (Workshops 3 & 4 in the next 6 months) will look at developmental processes both through the writings of Daniel Stern, and via embodied exploration of Senses of Self through an experiential lens.

The first Informal CRSPC gathering, or ‘CRSPC monthly Meeting’, was held in June. The informal meeting saw 4 local clinicians each in private practice sharing about their involvement with history of Self Psych in Australia, current clinical practicalities, tea drinking and crafting. The next will take place in the 2nd week of July.

2023 CRSPC Mini-Conference presenters and mentors are just beginning to prepare for the 2nd conference to be held in late February or early March 2023

The CRSPC group is small, but passionate about how they work and continue to learn and grow. Demand is high for psychotherapists with this understanding and skill set, due to the real changes felt in the people who are able to access it.

For further information, email who may either respond directly or forward your query onto the right person to respond.

Karen Stewart

After 10 years in the Out of Home Care (OOHC) and education sectors, Karen began her clinical career in the community mental health sector in 2015 and in private practice in 2017. Karen has worked with people of all abilities who have experienced trauma and mental ill health, with offenders in the justice system, people in crisis due to family violence, and as an individual and couples therapist at Relationships Australia (RACR). Karen draws from a number of theoretical frameworks, including self psychology, somatic and feminist approaches, and uses systemic, experiential and emotion-focused approaches when working with adult intimate relationships.

For more information about The International Association for Psychoanalytic Self-Psychology (IAPSP) or to contribute to the website, email:, or visit our Join IAPSP page to become a member.