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The first of three international online IAPSP conferences was presented on September 25th, 2021. From Region1: The Americas (US, Canada, Mexico, South America), it was titled “Conference on the Therapeutic Dyad Enlivened by Process, Theory and Supervision: Three Different Approaches-Three Live Takes.” A recording


I hope you will share your reactions to the most recent conference in Vancouver by sending your comments to me at: Let your colleagues know what you liked or didn't like about the conference, what you found most meaningful or what you would have


Reactions to the 2018 IAPSP Conference in Vienna Zeynep Atbaşoğlu Anatolian Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies Association, Turkey The Vienna Conference was an enormous gift for us, after studying and practicing self psychology under the supervision of Allen Siegel, an excellent teacher who guided, taught and contained the Turkish self psychology


Reactions to the 2017 IAPSP Conference in Chicago Andrea Harms & Martin Gossmann Dear friends and colleagues, We, Andrea Harms and me, Martin Gossmann, are writing to you as the chair and co-chair of the planning committee for the 2018 Annual Meeting in Vienna. Together with Shelley


Reactions to the 2016 IAPSP Conference in Boston Heather Ferguson, New York City The musicality of words and actions, along with the analyst's expressive freedom, were subtle potent themes, for me, during the 39th IAPSP conference in Boston--from Mal Slavin's spontaneous arm chair drumming as a way


This year's conference in LA, "Self Psychology in a Multidisciplinary World," broke new ground for the IAPSP community with a format jam-packed with contributions covering a wide spectrum of immensely important topics in our field. Six short panels, a greater number than usual,