Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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This column attempts to explore the lives and work of IAPSP members from different parts of the world. In this seventh interview, I am pleased to dialogue with Martin Gossmann from Berlin, Germany. Martin was co-chair with Andrea Harms of the 41st IAPSP Annual


Ernie often said he felt as though an angel sat on his shoulder and guided him through his wonderful life. Happily, Jill Gardner interviewed Ernie several years ago and documented that wonderful life for us. The interview tells Ernie's story in his own words, far


Reactions to the 2018 IAPSP Conference in Vienna Zeynep Atbaşoğlu Anatolian Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies Association, Turkey The Vienna Conference was an enormous gift for us, after studying and practicing self psychology under the supervision of Allen Siegel, an excellent teacher who guided, taught and contained the Turkish self psychology


The outpouring of remembrances, appreciations and condolences on the IAPSP listserv following the death of Ernest Wolf on August 22 led me to post a link to an interview I did with Ernie for a profile of him in 1999. For those who missed it,


We are happy to present a profound, unique and thought-provoking paper: A Story of a Split and Hope. This paper is the fruit of collaboration between analyst - Amina Taiber - and her supervisor - Yossi Tamir. The paper unfolds a process that most often