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Home / IAPSP Conference 2018

Summaries by  Andrea Harms, Ph.D., Heather Ferguson, LCSW, and Franz Resch, M.D.  Case Presenter: Andrea Harms, Ph.D The case presentation of a young man was the basis for the discussion of our current understanding of "adolescence." Some of the questions the case raised were if adolescence is


Introduction Donna Orange Four colleagues from the IAPSP community attempted, in Panel II of the Vienna Conference, to place some contemporary crises or emergencies in the context of Heinz Kohut's writings on courage and leadership. Mindful of the many ways that our current situations repeat, or


Reactions to the 2018 IAPSP Conference in Vienna Zeynep Atbaşoğlu Anatolian Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies Association, Turkey The Vienna Conference was an enormous gift for us, after studying and practicing self psychology under the supervision of Allen Siegel, an excellent teacher who guided, taught and contained the Turkish self psychology