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Early Career Professional Scholarship Opportunity for 2025


DEADLINE: May 1, 2025

The learning and sharing of so many ideas and topics, the warm welcome from IAPSP membership, the recognition for being awarded this honor within the proceedings, and the comradery with other ECP recipients coalesced into a profoundly impactful handful of days I’ll never forget…. I feel like I found my “home” as far as a professional organization. Everyone I met was kind and engaging, and I learned so much.

Todd Frugia, MFA, MA, LCPC    ECP Award Winner, 2022


The International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP) is pleased to announce our 2025 Early Career Professionals (ECP) scholarship competition.  Scholarship winners will receive

  • One-year IAPSP membership
  • One-year mentorship with a senior member of the IAPSP community (meeting monthly by phone or video chat)
  • Access to the IAPSP listserv (including special interest sections and on-line discussions)
  • Access to the members-only section of our website, —including video of clinical consultations and interviews with founding members
  • One-year subscription IAPSP’s journal, Psychoanalysis, Self and Context
  • Complementary registration for IAPSP’s 2025 conference and pre-conference, as well as any hosted online workshops and conferences
  • $750 stipend to defray conference-related expenses
  • Additional stipend may be available for international winners

We welcome applications from individuals in psychoanalytic and psychotherapy training, graduate students in Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work, Counseling, Psychiatric Nursing and other mental health disciplines, and from those who have completed graduate school or training programs within the past 5 years. Applicants should have a strong interest in Self Psychology and Intersubjective Systems Theory.

 To apply, please send

  • a brief essay (maximum one page single spaced) in which you describe your interest in learning more about Self Psychology. Tell us why Self Psychology matters to you, or how it has been helpful in your clinical work, etc.
  • Pertinent graduate level coursework, conferences and/or workshops attended, as well as books or papers read – all are relevant.
  • Your Curriculum Vitae.
  • Two letters of recommendation*, to be sent by the reference writer.

*A strong recommendation will tell us the following:

  1. How the applicant has developed as a psychoanalytic clinician & how they might contribute to Self Psychology.
  2. How the applicant deals with challenges, and how they/she/he have dealt with a particular struggle.
  3. What the applicant has done to merit receiving this award. Examples could include work with a challenging       patient, writing that sheds light on a therapeutic problem, or contributions to a specific community.
  4. What the applicant is like as a person, including specific incidents that give insight into your relationship.
  5. Personal qualities that make the applicant a thoughtful, empathic clinician and scholar.

Please send your materials to Please indicate “ECP Application” in the subject line of the e-mail. Reference letters should be sent directly to the same address with the applicant’s name in the subject line of the e-mail.

The start date for receiving applications is January 1st, 2025 and all applications must be received by May 1, 2025. We will announce the 2025 winners on June 1, 2025.

For more information about The International Association for Psychoanalytic Self-Psychology (IAPSP) or to contribute to the website, email:, or visit our Join IAPSP page to become a member.