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eForum April 2020: Trumpism & Our Leadership Crisis

In this inaugural issue of our newly redesigned eForum, we present two Op-Ed pieces on our current leadership—one by George Hagman and Harry Paul and one by Charles B Strozier and David M Terman; David Shaddock offers two timely issues of his Poet’s Column; Annette Richard interviews Ingrid Pedroni, President of ISIPSé in Rome; and Denise R. Davis gives an update from the Child & Adolescent Initiative.

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In This Issue

Previous Issues

Watch the post-conference summary of the third part of IAPSP's Online Conference Series from January 30th/31st 2021, covering the Pacific Rim (Asia, Australia, New Zealand).

Watch the post-conference discussion and read Eldad Iddan's summary of the second part of IAPSP's 2020 Online Conference Series from November 21st, covering Europe, the Mideast and South Africa.

Following IAPSP’s online conference on October 24th, Estelle Shane led the conference panelists in a conversation about their participation. Watch that video and read more reflections on the conference here.

For more information about The International Association for Psychoanalytic Self-Psychology (IAPSP) or to contribute to the website, email:, or visit our Join IAPSP page to become a member.