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Introducing The International Space

When non-English speaking people communicate their ideas and thoughts in English, how completely and authentically can they express themselves? Do English messages and news translated by Google Translate appeal to non-English speaking people? Is IAPSP truly an international organization if it communicates solely in English?

To address these questions in a positive way, eForum proudly announces the establishment of our “International Space,” which aims to provide international members of IAPSP whose first language is not English with the ability to express their thoughts and ideas in their own languages. Many non-English-speaking members have already delivered many messages in English for IAPSP members, most of whom are English speakers. But the human mind is deeply connected to the person’s mother tongues. Our self-experience is mostly organized through our own languages. We are not sure that our thoughts and ideas can be described with the subtle nuances and broader connotations when translated into English. We also believe that an organization cannot be truly international without valuing and respecting cultures and languages of all members from a post-colonial sensitivity.

To put our beliefs into action, we are test-launching a Japanese page in this space with the expectation that other language pages will soon follow. We hope that many members and non-members who speak Japanese and other languages will find out how Japanese members think about their clinical work. We believe that the International Space will enhance self psychological dialogues in every member’s language.







貞安 元 (慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス、臨床心理士)





Learning self psychology in Asia

Gen Sadayasu, Keio University, Clinical Psychologist

As Dr. Doi said, the concept of “Amae” is similar to that of selfobject needs. And as we have sensibility to embrace the paradoxical space between finiteness and infiniteness, that is, “mizukara” and “onozukara”, we are familiar with the clinical sensibility that contemporary self psychology provides such as therapist’s fallibility and surrendering to uncertainty.

Self psychology has developed as the antithesis of classical psychoanalysis, but it has difficulty in overcoming the Western perspective. So it provides great meanings and possibilities that we learn self psychology and articulate our self experiences in Japan and Asia. I hope the eForum encourages our lively discussions and contributes further development of contemporary self psychology.

Koichi Togashi, Ph.D., L.P. is a certified clinical psychologist and a licensed psychologist in Japan; a licensed psychoanalyst in the State of New York; and a certified psychoanalyst at the National Association for Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP), New York. He practices psychoanalysis in Kobe and Hiroshima. He is a member of the faculty, and training & supervising analyst at the Training and Research in Intersubjective Self Psychology Foundation (TRISP), a professor at Konan University, Kobe, Japan, and a mentor of the Taiwan Self Psychology Study Group. He is a member of the Council of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, and an international editor of Psychoanalysis, Self and Context. He is also a member of the Executive Board of the Japan Psycho-Analytical Association, and an editor of The Japanese Journal of Psycho-Analysis. He has published numerous books and articles in Intersubjectivity and Contemporary Self Psychology in the US, Japan, and Taiwan. His new book, “The Psychoanalytic Zero: A Decolonizing Study of Therapeutic Dialogues” is forthcoming from Routledge.