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Member’s Area

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IAPSP offers membership on an organizational as well as an individual basis. Institutional Membership is offered to any group organized to study, practice or promote mental health. To find out how to apply, click here:


Sign up here to be a Writing Mentee or a Mentor.  This program aims to mentor writers in their quest to manifest their ideas and help facilitate presentable or publishable works in the field.  It offers the pairing of newer writers with experienced authors who are interested in developing a mentorship relationship and will also include the development of writing workshops for any writers wishing to improve their composition acumen.


Our publicly searchable Members’ Directory features profiles of all IAPSP Members that choose to be listed, including practice information, links to professional websites and the option to search by location and area of specialization.

Join the discussion and submit articles and content for inclusion in our interactive eForum magazine.

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Connect with people around the world through our affiliated Member Institutions.

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When you join IAPSP as a new member or renew your annual membership, you will be automatically added to the members only IAPSP Member Communication list serv.

IAPSP has created this listserv to promote communication among members. It provides us with the opportunity to better know each other and IAPSP itself, and it is a very effective way to quickly and efficiently make and receive referrals, to disseminate information about the organization or developments in the field, and, simply, to talk among ourselves about any matters of interest.

IAPSP also has a number of other listservs that you may choose to participate in, including the Child and Adolescent Initiative, Couples Therapy Interest Group, Social Justice listserv and Teaching Interest Group.


Members have the right to run for and elect members to the International Council, the governing body of IAPSP. New Council members are elected from the membership body of IAPSP itself.


The IAPSP Bylaws are available for all members to view here:

IAPSP Bylaws


Our growing Video Archive contains full-length Interviews & Clinical Consultations with prominent IAPSP members. Access to the Clinical Consultation Videos is free for IAPSP Members and Institutional Members.

Latest Video


Your membership includes a free subscription to Psychoanalysis, Self and Context (PSC), the official publication of the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology. PSC is dedicated to the interplay of ideas between self psychology and other contemporary paradigms in the wider psychoanalytic community.

As well as receiving a printed copy, members can view issues digitally through the publisher’s website.

Read an Extract


Membership includes discounted prices for the following psychoanalytic journal subscriptions. You must mention your IAPSP MEMBERSHIP when placing your subscription in order to be eligible.

You will need to order directly from the publisher by using your IAPSP membership information. You can order any of the journals listed below by emailing or calling the publisher directly.
Orders will be shipped on a monthly and/or cyclical basis.

Contemporary Psychoanalysis, an international quarterly, is the journal of the William Alanson White Institute and the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society. It was founded in 1964 by Max Deutscher, Ph.D. and Rose Spiegel, M.D. From its inception its purpose has been to communicate Interpersonal psychoanalytic perspectives on theory, development, social issues, and practice to all who are concerned with understanding human affairs and treating emotional difficulties. The journal is dedicated to the spirit of mutual respect and inquiry, and therefore also presents a wide variety of other psychoanalytic points of view. Editors-in-chief are Don Greif, Ph.D. and Ruth Livingston, Ph.D.

Our special subscription rates are as follows:
Contemporary Psychoanalysis – 2017
Print & Online: Personal
USD 79.00/yr (IAPSP Members only)

For subscriptions and free access to frequently cited articles, visit:

Manuscript submissions

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is a fully peer reviewed journal published six times a year (February, April, June, August, October and December) since its merger with The International Review of Psycho-Analysis in 1994. It is the only psychoanalytic journal regularly publishing extensive contributions by authors throughout the world – facilitated by a system of international editorial boards and the policy of allowing submission and review in all main European languages, followed by translation of accepted papers at the Journal’s expense.

We publish contributions on Methodology, Psychoanalytic Theory & Technique, The History of Psychoanalysis, Clinical Contributions, Research and Life-Cycle Development, Education & Professional Issues, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and Interdisciplinary Studies. The Journal also publishes the main papers and panel reports from the International Psychoanalytical Association’s Congresses, book reviews, obituaries, and correspondence.

Website (for subscriptions):

Published by Taylor & Francis:

IAPSP Members
$224.00 (Practitioners print + online)
$200.00 (Practitioners online only)
$144.00 (Candidates print + online)
$130.00 (Candidates online only)


Launched in 1991, Psychoanalytic Dialogues was founded on the premise that within the diverse world of psychoanalysis there had developed a set of overlapping perspectives that regarded relational configurations of self and others, real and fantasied, as the primary units of human motivation and psychodynamic explanation. These perspectives emerged within interpersonal psychoanalysis; British object relations theories; self psychology; the empirical traditions of infancy research and child development; and certain currents of contemporary Freudian thought. This common relational model has come to provide a vitalizing framework within which clinical contributions can be situated and developed.


Taylor & Francis Group LLC
(Please quote IAPSP to get your member rate)

Now published eight times a year, Psychoanalytic Inquiry retains distinction in the world of clinical publishing as a genuinely monographic journal. By dedicating each issue to a single topic, PI achieves a depth of coverage unique to the journal format; by virtue of the topical focus of each issue, it functions as a monograph series covering the most timely issues – theoretical, clinical, developmental, and institutional – before the field.
Recent issues, focusing on Unconscious Communication, OCD, Movement and Body Experience in Exploratory Therapy, Object Relations, and Motivation, have found an appreciative readership among analysts, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and a broad range of scholars in the humanities.


Taylor & Francis Group LLC
(Please quote IAPSP to get your member rate)

A major aim of Psychoanalytic Perspectives is to cultivate interplay between relational, interpersonal, or intersubjective flow, and the more delineated forms of traditional theory. Its pages provide an intellectually nurturing space for dialogue between emerging analysts and those who have preceded them. In the integrative spirit of the founders of The National Institute for the Psychotherapies Training Institute (NIP-TI), the journal includes writing by practitioners of other therapy modalities, such as body-centered, cognitive, family, and group therapies.


Psychoanalytic Perspectives
$35 for every two issues
(Please quote IAPSP to get your member rate)

The oldest free-standing psychoanalytic journal in North America, The Psychoanalytic Quarterly is published every January, April, July, and October. Each issue contains from six to eight original articles, a section of in-depth book reviews, and a unique series of abstracts summarizing selected international journals and correlations with the neurosciences. An independent journal with a strong clinical focus, the Quarterly is not wedded to any one school of psychoanalytic thought. Its editorial goals are to encourage and publish the most rigorous original papers from North America and around the world, representing all contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives on the theories, practices, research endeavors, and applications of adult and child psychoanalysis.


Member Rate (including Hardcopy & Online):US$106.00 / £76.00 /86.00€

Member Rate (including Online Only):US$90.00 / £65.00 / 74.00€

(Please quote IAPSP to get your member rate)

SGS is directed equally to clinicians (psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers), developmental researchers, and academics working in cultural anthropology, family history, feminism, gender studies, queer studies, social history, sociology, and women’s studies, all of whom share an interest in contemporary perspectives on gender and sexuality. The journal is open to a variety of theoretical clinical, and methodological approaches to these broad topics consistent with its goal of promoting interdisciplinary dialogue among contributors and readers.


Taylor & Francis Group LLC
(Please quote IAPSP to get your member rate)