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Psychoanalysis, Self & Context (PSC)

Welcome to the Psychoanalysis, Self and Context web page!

Psychoanalysis, Self and Context (PSC) is the official publication of the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology. The new name and fresh look of the journal reflect the evolving psychoanalytic environment in which we work. PSC is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication that explores the clinical, social, cultural and political settings that shape the shared reality of analysts and patients.

PSC is dedicated to the interplay of ideas between self psychology and other contemporary paradigms in the wider psychoanalytic community. It celebrates the ground breaking contributions of Heinz Kohut and his colleagues and the evolving nature of psychoanalytic theory and practice. In keeping with its commitment to maintain a high level of scholarship, theoretical creativity, illustration of sound clinical practice, and a diversity of ideas and perspectives, PSC publishes original articles, plenary presentations, poetry, and reviews that provide in-depth analyses of recent literature and film related to our field.

Subscription to PSC is obtained through the publisher, Taylor and Francis, or as a benefit of membership in the IAPSP.

Members' Access

IAPSP Members can access the online version of the journal from this website. You will need to be logged in with your membership email and password.

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The PSC publisher’s web page now offers a powerful search engine, a listing of the Table of Contents of each volume, and an Author’s Index to assist you in your research needs. You can also view the Table of Contents for the current issue below.

Click here to view the PSC listings or subscribe to the journal.

Elizabeth Corpt, M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W and Annette Richard, M.Ps.

Editors, Psychoanalysis, Self and Context

Routledge: Psychoanalysis, Self and Context: Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Psychoanalysis, Self and Context.
List of articles from both the latest and ahead of print issues.

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Marcia Dobson, Ph.D.
George Hagman, L.C.S.W.
John Riker, Ph.D.

Founding Editor Emeritus
William J. Coburn, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Editor Emeritus
Doris Brothers, Ph.D.
Roger Frie, Ph.D
Annette Richard, MPs.
Elizabeth Corpt, LICSW.

Associate Editors

Amy Eldridge, Ph.D.
Amy Joelson, LCSW
Ashley Warner, LCSW
Bruce Herzog, M.D.
Carla Leone, Ph.D.
Daniel Perlitz, M.D.
Diana Lidofsky, Ph.D
David Shaddock, Ph.D.
Gavin Mullen, Psy.D.
Indrany Datta-Barua, M.D.
Karina Goldberg, Ph.D
Koichi Togashi. Ph.D
Liz Feldman. Ph.D.
Molly Witten, Ph.D.
Nicola Hoskins-Murphy, B(SocSci)
Richard Geist, Ed.D
Sandra Hershberg, M.D.
Sarah Mendelsohn, LCSW
Stacy Berlin, Psy.D.
Susan Lazar, M.D.

Book Review Editors
Heather Ferguson, L.C.S.W.
Janna Sandmeyer, Ph.D.

Editorial Board

George E. Atwood, Ph.D.
Renato Barauna, M.D.
Shelley Doctors, Ph.D.
James M. Fish, M.D.
James L. Fosshage, Ph.D.
Mark Freeman, Ph.D.
Henry Friedman, M.D.
Jill Gardner, Ph.D.
Jill Gentile, Ph.D.
Ruth Gruenthal, L.C.S.W., B.C.D.
George Hagman, L.C.S.W.
Eldad Iddan, M.A.
Hazel Ipp, Ph.D.
Jane Jordan, Ph.D.
Christine C. Kieffer, Ph.D., ABPP
Steven Knoblauch, Ph.D.
Amanda Kottler, M.A.
Susan Gaber Lazar, M.D.
Lester Lenoff, M.S.W.
Sibel Mercan, M.D.
Donna M. Orange, Ph.D., Psy.D.
Anna Ornstein, M.D.
Tessa Philips, Ph.D.
Gudrun Prinz, Ph.D.
Valeria Pulcini, M.D.
Bruce E. Reis, Ph.D.
John H. Riker, Ph.D.
Philip Ringstrom, Ph.D., Psy.D.
Gary M. Rodin, M.D.
Steven Stern, Psy.D
Malcolm Slavin, Ph.D.
Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Charles Strozier, Ph.D.
Maxwell Sucharov, M.D.
Judith Guss Teicholz, Ed.D.
Koichi Togashi, Ph.D., L.P.
Jeffrey Trop, M.D.

Manuscripts are submitted via the PSC Manuscript Central website at

If you are new to this website, open a new author account (located at the right side of the web page) and then upload your manuscript according to the web site instructions.

Only original manuscripts are considered for publication and are accepted for review on the condition that they are not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Authors are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher. Manuscripts should be limited to 7500 words and must conform with the American Psychological Association’s (APA) style and formatting guidelines (including the use of Courier or Times Roman font, 12 pitch, with all margins set at 1.25 inches; the first line of each paragraph should be indented 0.5 inches, and ALL TEXT, including abstract, text, quoted passages, footnotes, endnotes, and references, must be double-spaced). The abstract should be no longer than 200 words. The final pages of the article are reserved for references to all works cited in the text. Page numbers and an abbreviated title (running head) should appear in the upper right hand corner of every page. Text references follow the author-date system, e.g., (Smith, 1996), and are cited within the text, not as footnotes or endnotes. Multiple text references are listed chronologically, not alphabetically. Every text citation must have its corresponding reference listing.