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子どもを語る(前編)| Talking about Children Pt 1


International Spaceの第2回目は、「子どもを語る」をメインテーマにして、自己心理学的観点から「乳幼児の心理臨床(森さち子)および「思春期・青年期の心理臨床(池志保)」についてのエッセイを、2回に分けて2篇掲載させていただきたいと思います。今回は前編として、「乳幼児の心理臨床」をお送りさせていただきます。

森 さち子
慶應義塾大学 教授

「てんて(先生) コウタのいないとき どうちてたの? よる コウタのゆめ みてる?」


ストレートに問いかけられた瞬間、まっすぐに向かってくるコウタの無垢な気持ちをそのまま受けとめたいという思いが高まったのを覚えています。そして私が、「お休みで長く会わなかったので、心配してたの?」とたずねると、「あそぶビョーインだいすき コウタ あそんだりするのだいすき・・・てんてーがさー あそんでくれるかってさー ちんぱいちてた。





Talking about Children Pt 1

For the second edition of International Space, the main theme will be “Talking about Children”, and we would like to publish two essays in two parts on “Psychological Clinical Practice for Infants”(written by Prof.Sachiko Mori) and “Psychological Clinical Practice for Adolescents”(written by Assoc.Prof.Shiho Ike) from the perspective of self psychology. And we would like to present the first part, which is the first part of a two-part series, “Psychological Clinical Practice for infants”.

When “dreams” are described by infants
Prof. Sachiko Mori
Keiou University, Japan

I was conducting play therapy with a three-year-old boy, Kota (pseudonym), after his summer vacation. When Kota was silently cutting a lump of clay, he suddenly stopped his work. He looked me straight in the face with his big black eyes and asked, “Tente (a child word for teacher), what did you do when Kota was away? Do you see Kota’s dreams at night?”.

Whenever I remember this scene, I am drawn to the feelings Kota was expressing at that time. As a beginner therapist, I felt confused, but, at the same time, I was deeply moved by that experience.

How could such words be uttered from a little child whose baby language still lingered!

I remember that, at the moment I was asked this straightforward question, I felt a strong desire to accept Kota’s innocent feelings at face value. So, I asked him, “Were you worried about me over the vacation because we couldn’t meet for a long time?” In reply, Kota said, “Playing … I love this hospital, Kota, I love playing very much … I was worried about whether Tentei, you know, Tentei would play with me ever again, you know”. And, before I knew it, Kota had put the pieces of clay back together to make a whole.

This experience was the beginning of my interest in the psychoanalytic world of child therapy.

Kota’s mother was worried about him crying bitterly at night. With the birth of his younger sister, Kota was experiencing some profound changes in his life, such as no longer being able to have his mother all to himself during the day, and moving from the bedroom he shared with his mother to the bedroom he shared with his sister. As a consequence of these changes, he must have been experiencing anxiety over the separation, and a range of complicated feelings, including anger, internally.

Eventually, at the age of four, and immediately after waking up, he began to tell his mother about the dreams he had had: “If I stain the wall with magic, my mom will leave me,” or, “I’m scared because my doll launched a missile”. As his mother soothed his anxiety caused by these dreams, his pavor nocturnus began to subside.

When a little child first tells his or her mother, “I had a dream that went like this”, the mother is usually delighted at the implication that her child is growing up. Correspondingly, and no matter how experienced a therapist one is, one cannot help but be moved when witnessing the moment at which a child is able to differentiate between dreams (fantasy) and reality. It is a profound moment for the therapist and one to savor, even if the child’s narrative is still in “baby language”.

Translated by Shiho Ike

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