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Virtual Clinical Writing Workshops

3 Virtual Clinical Writing Workshops with

Suzi Naiburg, PhD, LICSW

Author of Structure and Spontaneity in Clinical Prose: A Writer’s Guide for Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists

Our ability to write well is not only essential for Self Psychology to thrive but also indispensable for our own professional development. When we approach writing as a process of discovery, it can become a “a transformational object” (Bollas), transforming our sense of self and deepening our understanding of ourselves, our patients, and our clinical work. In each of these three (three-hour) clinical-writing workshops, we will draw on close readings of gifted writers for inspiration and practical lessons in the craft of writing; set time aside for you to write and put what you’ve just learned into practice; and listen to each other’s emerging voices. A detailed syllabus will be emailed several weeks in advance of each meeting so you will have time to prepare. Attendance is limited, and coming to the first workshop is a prerequisite to coming to the second, just as coming to the first and second is a prerequisite to coming to the third.

  1. Writing From the Inside Out: January 18, 2025, 10 am – 1 pm Eastern
  2. Immediate Scenes and “The Dual Landscape” of Clinical Narratives: February 22, 2025, 10 am -1 pm Eastern
  3. Lyric Narratives and Voice: March 22, 2025, 10 am – 1 pm Eastern

You aren’t obligated to buy Structure and Spontaneity in Clinical Prose because all the required reading will be in your syllabus. But I will be identifying supplementary readings you can find in my book. If you do want to purchase it, I suggest you buy the paperback since the eBook doesn’t have page numbers or an index, making it difficult to find your way to what you need. I look forward to seeing you on Zoom.

Priority will be given to those who have not previously attended the workshops.

Fee: $100 for the series



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