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Home / 2021 / September

Tehran Psychoanalytic Institute as the first psychoanalytic institute in Iran was founded in 2007 by Tooraj Moradi, PhD, a US-graduate psychoanalyst. After its establishments, it faced various very difficult local impediments and it seemed impossible and even dangerous. However, we persisted and survived. Later we


We are delighted to announce that we will be holding another series of online conferences during 2021 - 2022. Americas:  September 25, 2021 Europe, The MidEast, South Africa:  January 22, 2022   How it will work: Registrants will attend by Zoom.  Each conference will be offered in the time


The Therapeutic Dyad Enlivened by Process, Theory, and Supervision: Three Different Approaches – Three Live Takes  Saturday, September 25, 2021     12:00pm – 5:30pm EDT [edgtf_custom_font content_custom_font="This program is co-sponsored by the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP) and the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy + Psychoanalysis (ICP+P)"


International Spaceの第2回目は、「子どもを語る」をメインテーマにして、自己心理学的観点から「乳幼児の心理臨床(森さち子) および「思春期・青年期の心理臨床(池志保)」についてのエッセイを、2回に分けて2篇掲載させていただきたいと思います。今回は前編として、「乳幼児の心理臨床」をお送りさせていただきます。 | For the second edition of International Space, the main theme will be “Talking about Children”, and we would like to publish two essays in two parts on “Psychological Clinical Practice for Infants”(written by Prof.Sachiko Mori) and “Psychological Clinical Practice for Adolescents”(written