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On September 11, 2021, the Child & Adolescent Initiative hosted a Zoom panel, entitled A Complex Dance Between Parents and Adolescents: Facilitating Recognition and Self-Delineation. For this panel, Lauren Gumbiner, a new IAPSP member, presented the case of 16 year old Emma, a girl with


The first of three international online IAPSP conferences was presented on September 25th, 2021. From Region1: The Americas (US, Canada, Mexico, South America), it was titled “Conference on the Therapeutic Dyad Enlivened by Process, Theory and Supervision: Three Different Approaches-Three Live Takes.” A recording


As part of the new expansion of this column that is now called “Voices from the Mideast”, we are happy to present an interview with Zeynep Atbasoglu conducted by Orly Shoshani, so we can all become familiar with the very special community of self psychology


International Spaceの第2回目は、「子どもを語る」をメインテーマにして、自己心理学的観点から「乳幼児の心理臨床(森さち子) および「思春期・青年期の心理臨床(池志保)」についてのエッセイを、2回に分けて2篇掲載させていただきたいと思います。今回は前編として、「乳幼児の心理臨床」をお送りさせていただきます。 | For the second edition of International Space, the main theme will be “Talking about Children”, and we would like to publish two essays in two parts on “Psychological Clinical Practice for Infants”(written by Prof.Sachiko Mori) and “Psychological Clinical Practice for Adolescents”(written


by Nicola Hoskins-Murphy The Canberra Community of Self Psychologists held a conference over a weekend in March earlier this year. Envisioned and coordinated by Sandra Lauffenburger (Somatic Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor) the conference provided a forum for connection, thoughtful discussion and learning about the clinical


When non-English speaking people communicate their ideas and thoughts in English, how completely and authentically can they express themselves? Do English messages and news translated by Google Translate appeal to non-English speaking people? Is IAPSP truly an international organization if it communicates solely in English? To


This column attempts to explore the lives and work of IAPSP members from different parts of the world. In this ninth interview of the series, I am pleased to have a conversation with Bruce Ervin from Edina MN. Bruce was one of the IAPSP Early