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IAPSP offers different membership rates depending on your location. Please select your geographical region from the four options below.


What IAPSP Offers

IAPSP is a nonprofit organization whose central purpose is to foster relational psychoanalytic self psychology as a living science and a developing profession. Our membership comprises a vital community of clinicians, scholars, and theoreticians who are at the forefront of the work first started by Heinz Kohut and now integrating contemporary findings from science, philosophy, and cognitive psychology. Our ongoing integration of scientific findings and philosophical considerations create a continuously evolving self psychological vision. IAPSP increases the opportunity for those interested in psychoanalytic Self Psychology to create a strong affiliation that fosters a network for professional and personal development and dialogue.

Benefits of Membership

With your membership of the IAPSP community you will also receive the following:

  1. A subscription to the internationally recognized, peer-reviewedjournal, Psychoanalysis, Self and Context (PSC);
  2. Listing on our Online IAPSP Member Directory
  3. Significantly discounted fees for attending the IAPSP AnnualConferenceon the Psychology of the Self;
  4. Interactive access to the online IAPSP eForum;
  5. Participation in online IAPSP Colloquiums;
  6. Subscription to IAPSP listerservs such as the IAPSP Membership, the Couples Therapy Interest Group, and the Child and Adolescent Initiative;
  7. Substantial member discounts for subscriptions to psychoanalytic journals. Click here for details.
  8. The right to run for and elect members to the International Council,the governing body of IAPSP. New Council members are elected from the membership body of IAPSP itself.

Institutional Membership

About Membership:
IAPSP offers membership on an organizational as well as an individual basis. Institutional Membership is offered to any group organized to study, practice or promote mental health. Please note: your organization does not have to be a teaching or training institute to become an institutional member. And while Self Psychology is a theory based on psychoanalytic principles, psychoanalytic training is not in itself a prerequisite for membership nor is any allegiance to the theory of Self Psychology. Finally, institutional membership makes available to your individual members a number of benefits, most important, reduced membership fees.

IAPSP is a nonprofit organization comprising more than 600 mental health workers more than a dozen institutions from around the world. In actuality, the IAPSP membership encompasses a variety of mental health fields, as well as others from diverse disciplines who are interested in a dialogue between and among their particular fields of study and the theory and practice of Self Psychology.

Among the many synergistic benefits associated with a Institutional membership in IAPSP, the following specific benefits are available to the member institution and its individual members:

    • Individual members of each Member Institution will receive a 10% discount on IAPSP membership dues.
    • The leadership of Member Institutions will be included in a forum to discuss and collaborate on issues such as establishing curriculums, establishing criteria and training for supervisors, developing programming, establishing non-profit status, leadership and governance issues, and establishing and maintaining CEU and CME accreditations, etc.
    • Institutional Members will receive a URL link on IAPSP’s website back to their website.
    • Institutional Members will receive (1) annual subscription to Psychoanalysis, Self and Context (PSC)

I invite you to apply and invite your organization to join many others across the globe in critical conversations affecting mental health today.

How to Apply:
To apply for Institutional Membership, please download and fill out the form using the link below, and return to the address given on the form.
For any questions you may contact the Chair of the Institutional Membership Committee:
George Hagman, MSW at

IAPSP Inst Application

Location (Grouped by Fee – listed in US Dollars)
Jan 1-Dec 31
United States

*Reduced Rate

Australia/Canada/Europe/Israel/Japan/New Zealand

*Reduced Rate

Argentina/Iran/South Africa/Turkey

*Reduced Rate

All countries not otherwise listed

*Reduced Rate


PROFESSIONAL is our Standard Membership.

* REDUCED RATE is for candidates, academics and others with no or very small practices, and others for whom the standard rate would preclude membership. IAPSP is pleased to offer reduced rates only to those for whom the standard rate would preclude them from membership.
** GRADUATE STUDENT RATE: – Includes interns and post-docs.
We ask that members who are able please make a voluntary donation to allow us to offer reduced rates to those who need them.
Full payment must accompany registration form.
Donate to IAPSP:
IAPSP is a not for profit organization, registered as such in the State of Illinois.   Any donation is much appreciated and can be used towards membership fees, resources, conferences and other member activities.
For a donation form to send in via email or mail, please click here: Donation Form
To donate online with a credit card, please click here:  DONATE

Offline Payment Information

International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology
Customer Service Contact:
Kathy Wetmore
Administrator, IAPSP
Phone: +1 888 699 9299


10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #26072
Houston, TX 77043

For a printable membership form, please click:  Membership Form

There are no refunds on IAPSP membership dues.

Once your dues process has been successfully completed, you will receive an email confirmation to the email address provided. Please allow a few hours for the confirmation to be received and check your spam folder. Should you not receive the email confirmation, please contact:

IAPSP Non-Privacy Disclosure

To read our full Privacy Policy, please visit this page.
We will not disseminate, disclose, trade, transmit, transfer, share, lease or rent any financial information to any third parties. A membership list that discloses the members business address, telephone number, and areas of expertise in their practice is available in the form of a Membership Directory. The member supplies this information directly into their members account, and may opt out of any inclusion in the Directory at any time. The member may also opt not to have their street address or telephone number displayed in their profile listing.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement, please send them to